lxf to ldr konverter English Deutsch

Converter -> Download

On this side you can download the newest version of the converter.

Currently the converter is only available in an zip-archive for Microsoft Windows operating systems. The application is implemented with c#. Due to this it needs at least the .Net 2.0 Framework.

Our Application, the converter, can be downloaded as it is. We do not take charge for errors or any kind of damage to your system that is caused by our software.

Inside the archive there are the following files:

  • ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll: Free .Net library to extract zip-archives.
  • ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.xml
  • l2l.xml: An extended ldraw-xml (mapping file).
  • LDD2LDraw.exe: The olt console version. Currently it can not be called but its used as library.
  • LDD2LDrawAddOn.exe: The GUI application.
  • LDD2LDrawAddOn.exe.config: Config-file for the GUI application.
  • ldraw.xml: A mapping file (hopefully the newest).
  • log4net.dll: Free .Net library for logging.
  • log4net.xml
  • Settings.xml: Settings-file for the converter. He will remember your settings.
Version Release Date Files
V0.2.1 18.08.2009 # LDD2LDrawAddOnV0.2.1.zip (Archive)
V0.2 17.08.2009 LDD2LDrawAddOnV0.2.zip (Archive)
V0.1 beta 2 13.07.2009 # LDD2LDrawAddOnV0.1b2.zip (Archive)
V0.1 beta 1 10.07.2009 LDD2LDrawAddOnV0.1b1.zip (Archive)
V0.1 beta 07.07.2009 LDD2LDrawAddOnV0.1b.zip (Archive)
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