Converter -> How-ToInstallation
Currently, the LDD2LDrawAddOn converter is only available for download in an uncrypted zip-archive.
To use him you have to unzip the archive first. For this you should choose a directory that can be found
easily. I, for example, choos the path Start
After unpacking, you can start the converter with the Is the converter running you will see a similar window to: GUIMenuThe menu of the converter is quite wimpy:
ChooseBelow the menu there is the area, where you can choose settings that are necessary to convert a file.
The most important information is which file should be converted.
You can enter the filename with its absolute path in the textbox behind
After you have chosen a file to convert the converter suggests you an output
file. Of course you can change the his suggestion. Again you can either enter the filename
with its absolute path in the textbox behind
Since the part libaries of the two systems (LDD and LDraw) have differences in
their origin, orientation and part-numbering we need information to adjust them.
These transformations and part-number mappings are deposed in a
Inside the converter calculates with double precision, that means approximately 15
digits exact. You can choose how many of them he should write into the result file ( Conversion
After choosing the necessary settings you can initiate the conversion by
pusching the button OutputAt converting time the converter generates a logfile. He saves it into a file and shows it in the output area of the GUI: ToDo: Analysis External ApplicationAfter transferring a file form the LDD to the LDraw universe you certainly want to continue to work with it (render, visualize, animate, etc.). To keep this comfortable we added a possibility to configure and start external Applications from inside the converter. Each tab stands for a call of an external application. You can manage the tabs by the menu or the context menu (right click) in the external application area.
Inside the selected tab you can choose the application that should start by giving the position of its
Many applications can handle console arguments. In the textfield behind
Who watched carefully may have recognized that
One hint: If the filenames contains spaces you should use quotation marks (windows console like):
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